What happens when you first interact with a person??? You are trying to make an impression, good or bad that’s a later thought (mostly all try to make a good/positive impact). Sometimes the person knows you and sometimes s/he is an alien, but in both the cases one tries to make an IMPACT or an IMPRESSION. Most of the times it is by your behavior, your dress, your talk, etc i.e. in short we try and maintain certain ETIQUETTE.
Etiquettes are the most looked attribute in any employee or even as a fresher who joins an organization. What is defined by the word “Etiquette”- a certain set of social behavior or social expectation that are aligned with certain social, geographical and work cultures in an organization or at any place of formal interaction. A Culture can form a part of Etiquette and vice versa. For example calling superiors by there first name can be termed as a culture in some companies, but at times adding “sir “ as a suffix to their name can be an etiquette for an employee (not always just an example).
If having proper etiquettes is not your cup of tea, then its better that you soon adapt to have such cup of tea. To get a job or to make an impression or for growth in the career it’s important that s/he has to imbibe certain set of business etiquettes. In case you do not possess proper etiquettes though, it’s not dangerous but it can any time harm you. Not talking the right thing at the right time, messing things up, having a facial expression that conveys something wrong, inappropriate dressing can cost you your entire career.
Etiquettes may not be the very first thing an employer observes in you, but gradually its observed and this may help in casting a life long impression which is important in many aspects. These etiquettes don’t come at once but they are gradually picked up (they are not inborn but are learnt) and eventually come out as a behavior. Etiquettes are not only confined to internal employees but also to other external parties like customers, clients, and not to forget suppliers as well because the way you behave can make or break your relations with them (Business relations).
Etiquettes are well defined actions which are delivered on a common platform. These are essential in the following areas;
- Dinning
- Mailing
- Public speaking and Presenting
- Dressing
- Social
- Writing
- Telephone
- Interview
- Greeting/Meeting
One may think are these etiquettes important for everyone?? The answer is YES!!! One may not possess a quality of being humble and polite while talking/ behaving with others. As mentioned earlier Etiquettes are written codes which are not the same all the time and in all the places but some certainly are common.
Hence, it’s important to know the Etiquettes as it shows that the person is well versed which type of behaviors would be right and appreciated and which are a big NO - NO.
Hey All,
ReplyDeleteI'm back. After a break of an accelerated schedule at the office these days, I've firm to initiate again for the simple reason of needing an outlet to express my feelings.
Coming to the subject matter learning the basics of a few category of etiquette can prevent you from embarrassing yourself,What you say and how you say it is all that people will have to interpret from. 'What is so special about that? People just come and meet at a place, discuss strategies and brainstorm. Why does any emphasis have to be laid on etiquette? People should behave like normal people at any social gathering or any other meet. Now, to be very frank with you. It is not easy to explain the cause of retrenchment to an employee who is being downsized. It is not easy to console such an employee and give him or her hope. There is obviously a reason why the person is being axed. In most cases, people are axed because they are non-performers or because the company is no longer able to retain them due to recessionary factors. But for the person who is being told to leave, it is very hard. They probably have some dependents at home and the dole will not suffice for them and their dependents. In most cases, such people just break down when they are informed that they are not required any more. In some cases, they turn aggressive. Whether you win or lose, whether your point of view is accepted or not, whether you lose your job or not, remember that everything is just a part of life. A loss of a contract or a job or face is not the end of the world. The most important thing about etiquette in general is that you have to have the ability to pick up the pieces again and move ahead, to take the rough with the smooth. No loss is permanent unless you make it so. Do not be depressed, whatever the circumstance. If you display good etiquette's, even if worst comes to worst and you lose everything at least you shall have the consolation of having behaved well.
The accepted behaviors and practices like behaving yourself a little better than is extremely indispensable. Etiquette's are a kind of protocols, the only difference is protocols are to be followed must and should but etiquette is self imposed rules or a kind of ethics that a person boasts which defines his/her character.
“Politeness and consideration for others is like investing pennies and getting dollars back”
Andy with Best Regards.
well, thanks "Flavours" for your valuable inputs with some encouraging words sometimes some actions are inevitable like the one you mentioned. People at times feel O.K for showing out the way they feel, like getting angry or aggressive and even bursting out in tears and thats normal, but the way you put these feelings is what matters the most. I would rather feel that like "charity begins at home".. the same way... you need to follow some socially accepted behavior in short "ETIQUETTES".
ReplyDeleteAssociate with well-mannered persons and your etiquette will get better. Run around with decent folk and your own decent instincts will be strengthened.
ReplyDeleteSo true, but you also can be an example for the others.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments.
We grew up in such a way that we were used to draw an example from others reputation, in context to that we go behind the reputation of that person, We take them as an example because they are good in engaging our hearts and minds and that gives us the real reason to believe them. So my dear friend’s reputation is like a shadow which we take as an example, instead we need to take the insights of the person to build our character not their reputation.
ReplyDeleteBelieve or not character provides the basis for sustainability and it provides the possibilities where others have hit the roadblock.