Do you know it takes less than 20 seconds to make that first impression and in casting this, the way you look matters the most. You either make it or you don’t.
In this expanding and fierce global village, every single organization is now seeking for employees who are versatile in all the aspects. “Being domain specific”- is no longer the mantra, employers hire individuals who are “Generalized” (General here means having little or adequate knowledge in all the functionalities of the industry).
Employers in today’s scenario are seeking for individuals who are presentable and extroverts. When s/he is employed in an organization from that very first day they become the face of the organization, which indirectly portray the work cult of the organization as well.
I work as a HR in a Consulting firm and my daily job includes interacting with different cadre of people. As I work in a Consulting firm my day starts with seeing different people looking for jobs, and that I end up judging them and there level of intellect (through the way they carry them selves ). YES!!! One does cast an impression when you look at them, which is an undeniable fact.
It has been seen that organization fires employees who do not adhere to the dressing rules mentioned by them. These days it is compulsory that when one goes for an interview or work place maintaining proper and decent attire is a must.
By being into HR field, people tend to follow you. HR becomes the face of the company. They generally look up to you for your communication skills, people skills, and other non-verbal aspects as well where dressing also plays a vital role. It has also been observed that people are more inclined to you when you’re properly dressed and presentable that is when people take you seriously.
No matter in which field/domain you are in or which industry you belong to, you need to be respected and looked up for, this not only makes you feel good but also boosts your confidence levels from within and also helps you in having an edge over the others.
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