As discussed by many on the same, it’s essential to be following some code of conducts while you are on the floor. Work place etiquettes are one of the many issues that many HRs face. A defined code of conduct varies from organization-organization. Some are very casual in there working place and that’s the way they accept it, but on the other hand some follow specified way of working and that’s their culture, if not obeyed can also lead to suspension or other grievances.
The following are some basic etiquette that is easy to follow;
· Do follow punctuality that’s the basic dimension where you are judged on. Make sure that you are there on the time asked, if late do make sure to intimate the same to your reporting head and mentioning the reason for it.
· Proper dressing sense (as specified for males and females) - ask your colleagues or your manager about the “wear” and “wear-nots” and dress decently.
· Do not be casual in speaking to your seniors when not demanded, act according to the person, some are fine with casual approach and some get offended.
· Whenever in meetings be on the time, with proper preparation. Get introduced to your fellow members in the meeting (be professional), take the initiative if required (do not shy away- it always good to be an initiator).
· Follow some manners in cafeteria; do not act as a glutton.
· Since groups are inevitable, it’s a good idea to have lunch with different groups rather than sticking to the same clique, everyday. You will get to know more people and will not be viewed as “clannish”.
· When in the presence of one group don’t speak ill of a person in another group. In fact, try not to comment on a third person in his or her absence.
· Try not to carry on any conversations from the cafĂ© to the workplace but discussing work while at lunch is not a bad idea.
· Avoid eating some pungent filled dishes/salads like avoid onions as they make stink in your mouth when you interact later or any dishes which makes you drowsy.
· Try not to over do when you are conversing, as most may find it irritating.
These were some of the very few, etiquettes that one may follow. The soon you adopt these in your life the better you would enhance your daily work.