It’s quite natural that everybody craves to be appreciated and praised. Remember your childhood days when you would get a candy bar or good clothes or cycle etc for work done well, the parents would turn out to be the best source of advertisement to tell how their children had made them proud and how much they are happy about it, its quite embarrassing after sometime but you like it the way it is and it makes you happy, doesn’t it???
To be praised, appreciated, and reward accordingly for the job performed well is quite human and its natural feeling for anyone wanting to be appreciated and rewarded, for putting their best efforts, for achieving the target or going beyond what is expected. These praises, appreciations, recognitions are “THE” attributes which drives one to keep moving and motivated in order to perform well and as expected.
Like Boost is the secret of Sachin’s energy, in the same way these Reward and Recognitions are “the boost” factors of every employee of any organization. This kick of boost is required quite often in any normal working environment. If these capsules are not giving on a regular note, there is a possibility that employees become weak and demotivated. These boosting factors are like vitamin capsules they need to be given on a regular note. Therefore it’s quite important to keep the employees motivated for better to best results and at this point R&R (Reward & Recognition) Program plays a vital role.
R&R, if given a little modification can be like R-R i.e., Retention to Retirement. These R&R programs are one of the effective factors which helps in retaining employees and make them productive (though there are many factors which help in employee retention but considering R-R to be on the priority list), its effect is seen as some employees stay in the organization for longer duration till the time they attain retirement (R-R).
Making R&R program effective is a challenge, as the motivating factors vary to a very large extent from employee to employee, like an employee may be motivated from a monetary reward the same may not be the factor for the other. It’s again important that there are no loop holes in the program by placing the challenges and targets fair and transparent, and making it in align with the job well performed and fair targets achieved. A lot of research goes into this, one need to be careful in designing the same.
Well, at the end it would not be wrong to say that, R&R needs to be one among many motivating factors that make an employee achieve better and better each time and helping them become an idol so that looking at them others put in their best of the efforts. Hence, this program should not be taken for granted but one considers it as “the boost” factor which strengthens the relationship between the employees and the organization to a large extent.